Our little girl was finally born 9 days late on November 9th. It was a super fast labor 9 hrs in the hospital and she was born at 3:14 AM. She weighted 7lb 4 oz and is 19 in tall. She is so sweet has lots of dark hair and looks a lot like her brother.
Calvi has been really good with her. He says Jodi but it sounds like Judy. It is so cute he know she is his sister and he will give her a kiss and hug on demand. Hopefully that will last a while. He is so cute when she makes a noise he will go and check on her or he will say sister or judy?
Here they are at the hospital it is crazy how calvi was so little and after holding Jodi calvi just weighed a ton! He is still my little man but he seems so much bigger! It is crazy how Jodi was born a lot bigger than Calvi was and i can really tell a difference between the two. Jodi has been so good about eating sleeping and for the most part seems pretty calm. She does like to be cuddled and when i put her down sometimes she will just whine a little till i pick her up and then she is ok.
It is crazy how our little family is now a family of 4. It is so great to have such cute little kids i love them both. Tyler is such a great help especially through the delivery i am pretty sure his hands are broken for life but he still hung on. We have had lots of family and friends come and see us and it is so much fun to be able to share her with everyone.
Here is a pic of me and my sisters dont worry that none of us are holding our own children. crazy how within less than 3 years there are 5 kids!! We are all home and doing great everything went well and i am feeling back to my normal un-pregnant self!
Lemon Cheesecake Bars
5 days ago