The kids have been having fun together. It is really fun to watch them grow up and start to build a relationship.
Sometimes good and sometimes crazy but it is so awesome to be there to watch moments like this.
Jodi just loves her dad.
Jodi had been a big copy cat here she is doing her hair.
It has been finally ok weather outside we took the kids to the park and since it was jodis real first time (where she would actually remember) calvi took her hand and showed her where to go.
Jodis hair has finally gotten long enough to put stuff in her hair and she will actually keep it in!
Max calvis dog is a big part of our family. Here he is playing a song on the piano for us!
We had a fun time visiting with family for Jamens 2nd birthday/Easter party. We had lots of fun playing with cousins having an easter egg hunt and pinita with way to much candy and treats!
The kids got worn out and so we had a little break quiet time and all the kids piled around Gpa.
Max needed to put his shoe on to go outside to play in the snow!
We went to the duck pond with the cousins and all the kids wanted to do was throw rocks in the water. As you can see they had to be right next to the water to do it.
We went to the city Easter egg hunt at the park. We got quite a few eggs and it was pretty awesome to see a million kids flood the field to get eggs.
Here are the kids Easter Morning it was still pretty cold outside but sunny. We have been busy doing so many fun things I will have to keep going through pictures to get caught up but enjoy for now!