Here is our Jodi bugs she is getting pretty chubby we just love her! Calvi likes her shirt he kept saying cupcake cupcake!
We found this really awesome park that is not to far from where we are staying. It is a dog walking park so there are a lot of people and their dogs which calvi likes. There is also a big duck pond.
I have a cousin who lives not far from where we are and she had 2 boys, they are so cute. Calvi has really been missing his friends and cousins and so it is fun for him to hang out with these boys. He cant say their names so we call them the cousins. We took the boys to this carousel that is in the food court of a mall. They really liked it and we got there a little early and they were excited to get on.
This picture is so cute! Jacob likes Calvi and wanted to sit by him. It is cute cause Calvi will just follow him around and they get along real well. I also thought it was cute that they were both wearing camo jackets i kept getting them confused. We also took the cousins to the duck park where they saw ducklings as Jacob would say.
Ty has been working hard here we have gone to the office a few times to be with him while he was working and here are the kids camped out in the office. Calvi likes sitting in jodis seat it is like a little rocking chair. He will sit there for a long time and just watch mickey mouse.
And end with a little more Jodi bugs. I love that she still has long hair. Some of it has fallen out but it already has started to grow back in those spots.
Lemon Cheesecake Bars
5 days ago
CUTE! How much longer are you guys staying there? When you get back we need to get together.
Jodi definitely looks like you! She is so cute!
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