Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

I am a week behind I have a lot going on right now we have been so busy and I need to get caught up. Last week we went to Twin cause Tylers sister has a baby, little Laynie Rain! She was born June 11th, and she is so so cute! Here is Calvin with his new baby cousin! I cant believe Calvin was ever that small!
Here is Gma and Gpa with all their grand-babies!! They are so excited it is crazy to see how fast a family can grow! We had a great weekend hangin out with our families.
We started feeding calvin a little rice cereal. He thought it was wierd at first but now he really likes it now he understands what to do with is when it is in your mouth.
I cant get over how much he has grown! As you can see he does not go hungry!! He is just a real chill baby, he entertains himself and he is just a happy kid!
Here he is just hangin in the kitchen helping me cook some dinner. He is getting big enough to sit up in chairs and stuff he is such a silly guy! We just cant get enough!!


Danielle said...

I love that last pic. Perfect expression- and it totally looks like he's posing! Sounds like lots of fun!

Alisha and Braeden said...

I can't believe how big he is getting! I want to see him soon so come visit!